Hamide ERDEM

5 product

She was born in Bursa in 1970. After graduating from Mechanical Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University, she worked as new vehicles project developer in the automotive industry for 25 years. Due to her interest in history, she completed her second degree in the History Department of Anadolu University, and today she continues to translate Ottoman Turkish for researchers. The artist, who took ceramic and sculpture lessons in different studios, participated in many exhibitions in various cities; continues her production in Bursa.

Ancient Roman and Greek frescoes, Ottoman and Seljuk miniatures, Anatolian civilizations, the love for animals, the nature and the colorful underwater world that she was passionate about became the main sources of inspiration for her ceramics. She produces completely handmade unique works by applying different clays, slips, decals, transfer applications by using contemporary and experimental techniques as well as traditional teachings.


2023 Hundred BRrds, Gallery N Bursa, Bursa-Turkey 

Seramik Hipopotam Figürü

Hamide ERDEM

Seramik Hipopotam Figürü

Beyaz Hipopotam
Sarı Hipopotam
Kırmızı Hipopotam
Mavi Hipopotam
Seramik Kadın Heykelciği - h:29,5 cm

Hamide ERDEM

Seramik Kadın Heykelciği - h:29,5 cm

Seramik Dinozor Figürü

Hamide ERDEM

Seramik Dinozor Figürü

Mor Dinozor
Mavi Dinozor
Seramik İnek Figürü

Hamide ERDEM

Seramik İnek Figürü

Sarı İnek
Kahverengi İnek
Seramik Kuş Figürü

Hamide ERDEM

Seramik Kuş Figürü
